Welcome to Bluesky Energy! My name is Louis Carr. I am the owner/President, and I would like to thank you for giving us a few moments of your time to allow us to help you lower your electricity expense. What we propose is very simple, Bluesky Energy wants to offer you a vacation certificate for a 3 day/2 night stay at any one of 23 luxurious locations around the continental U.S. with round-trip airfare included for 2 adults (Valued at over $1,900!). All for giving us 30-45 minutes of your time to evaluate the Bluesky Energy solar program. There is absolutely no cost or obligation to purchase anything, and the hotel stay and airfare are yours just for giving us your time.
Bluesky Energy is a local solar electricity company serving homeowners throughout Southern California. At this point, it is important to inform you that Bluesky Energy has a N.P.S. (Net Promoter Score) of 96%, all confirmed by a third-party administrator. An N.P.S. is the rating provided by customers who’ve purchased solar electricity in Southern California. It is well known that no other solar company in SoCal has this high of a customer satisfaction rating. There are no gimmicks, no tricks… Just for listening, the trip is yours. Please take a moment and, either fill out the form to the right, or call us directly to setup an appointment at (844) 520-1200.
Thank you, and we look forward to meeting with you.

Louis Carr
BlueSky Energy, Inc
</p> <div>If my solar bill is less than $100, would your program benefit me?</div> <p>
Generally, if you are leasing or renting your solar panels, the solar company insists that you have an electricity bill of at least $150/month. However, when you are buying to own the panels, you are obtaining government assistance (30% of the total cost of project), so you can absolutely benefit by going solar if your bill is $75/month or higher.
If I rent my home, can I go solar?
Unfortunately, only the owner of a property can receive financing to go solar. Otherwise, the government will not assist.
If I go solar, will my home be running off of the solar panels?
No. You’re still connected to your local utility company 24 hours a day. So even if it’s raining for a month, you’ll always have power!
Do the panels have to go on my roof?
Absolutely not! If you have the space on your property, we can build a “ground mount” if you have enough room. The panels will be placed on a custom built platform placed on your land, a trench will be dug and the lines will be buried underground all the way up to your electrical panel so that there is no exposed wiring.
How much does the government pay if I go solar?
The government will pay homeowners–up until the end of 2020–30% of the total project. i.e., if your system is $25,000, 30% of that would equal $7,500 that the government would give you to reduce the total cost of the project. So, your net cost would be $17,500.
I live in an Home Owners Association (HOA), can I have solar?
Yes! HOA’s can tell you what color to paint your house and what to have in your yard, but have no say when it comes to solar. Due to government mandates, this choice is 100% up to the homeowner.
My credit is less than great, does that eliminate me from going solar?
Not at all! If your FICO score is 660 or higher, you should be bank approved–unless you’ve had a recent bankruptcy or foreclosure. If your scores are below that, we have additional county programs that will still get you financed guaranteed with no money out of your pocket. Many families actually prefer the county programs because of the additional tax benefits. Overall, you have a 90% chance of approval.